Natal/RN receberá o seu o 1º MeetUp de Pokémon X/Y no dia 12 de outubro; confira a programação do evento

Com a aproximação do tão esperado dia do lançamento de Pokémon X/Y — 12 de outubro —, os encontros entre os aficionados pelo jogo começam a surgir em todo país. Em Natal/RN, a Liga Pokémon RN, em parceria com Yujô Fest, Miranda Computação, PokéMart, Cantrip, Nintendo 3DS Natal StreetPass e HEADQUARTER, promoverá um dia dedicado exclusivamente a Pokémon, com torneio de Pokémon TCG (Trading Card Game) e muita jogatina livre, inclusive com Pokémon X/Y. É uma boa oportunidade para conhecer os monstrinhos dessa nova geração logo no primeiro dia.

Programação prevista:

  • 13h às 15h — Freeplay Pokémon TCG;
  • 15h às 19h — Torneio Pokémon TCG;
  • 14h às 19h — Freeplay Pokémon DS/3DS (4ª, 5ª e 6ª gerações).

Estandes confirmados:

  • Cantrip;
  • Pokémart.

Local: Headquarters — Rua Dom José Tomaz, 1050, Lagoa Seca, Natal/RN.
Lembrando que a entrada é gratuita.

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  3. abogado de accidentes
    The "Natal / RN's 1st Pokémon X / Y MeetUp on October 12th" is a unique event for Pokémon enthusiasts in Natal. It marks the beginning of a new community gathering, with an early announcement to allow ample time for attendees to plan and participate. The event focuses on specific Pokémon games, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among fans. It offers a variety of events catering to diverse interests and is inclusive, welcoming fans of all ages and backgrounds. The event promotes social interaction and engagement, fostering local pride and celebrating Pokémon together. The event schedule is available in advance, and venue details can be provided for convenience. The success of this inaugural MeetUp could pave the way for more Pokémon-related events in the future. It will appeal to gaming enthusiasts and will be promoted through widespread outreach. The event embodies the spirit of Pokémon, promoting community, fun, and adventure. Overall, the MeetUp promises an exciting opportunity for Pokémon X / Y fans to come together, trade, battle, and share their love for the Pokémon universe.

  4. Don't miss Natal/RN's first Pokémon X/Y Meetup on October 12th—join the fun and check out the exciting event schedule! I have problems to efficiently manage my tasks and keep my focus on everything. I’ve heard about university assignment help, but I’m not sure if it’s worth exploring. It feel like here is always too much to do and I do not want to get up. Do you think using these services is useful, or should I try to do everything myself? If anyone has used these services or has other advice, I would much appreciate it if you could share your experience. What works best for staying organized?

  5. Que ótimo saber que NatalRN receberá seu primeiro meetup! Uma excelente oportunidade para a troca de conhecimentos e experiências. Espero que o evento seja um grande sucesso, reunindo muitas ideias inovadoras e fortalecendo a comunidade nueva jersey un estado de divorcio sin culpa

  6. Que emocionante o 1º MeetUp de Pokémon X/Y em Natal! Aproveite para garantir a qualidade do seu evento com ISO certification in Coimbatore para processos eficientes.
